
3 Morning Mistakes That Slow Down Metabolism

3 Morning Mistakes That Slow Down Metabolism

Jun 16, 2015 by

If losing weight is your ultimate goal, avoid these metabolism-slowing mistakes in the morning. Read the 3 mistakes by clicking this link!      ... more

Want to Know the 3 Ways to Fresh Breath?

Want to Know the 3 Ways to Fresh Breath?

Jun 15, 2015 by

What did you eat today for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Eggs and Bacon? Pizza with sausage and onions? and chicken on a skewer with garlic? Image... more

Want To Know the Health Benefits of Honey?

Want To Know the Health Benefits of Honey?

Jun 12, 2015 by

This sweet liquid that honey bees produce, create more benefits then you think! Health benefits of honey date back to the Greeks, Romans, and Vedics.... more

Stretch For Your Health!

Stretch For Your Health!

Jun 11, 2015 by

Is it 2pm in the office and you haven't stood up from your desk yet? Want to run for a coffee to stay awake or... more

What Does Jumping Jacks Workout in your Body?

What Does Jumping Jacks Workout in your Body?

Jun 10, 2015 by

Jumping jacks are one of the most vigorous of exercises you can do, and involve all muscles in the body. Moreover, you can increase the... more

Feeling Slugglish Lately?

Feeling Slugglish Lately?

Jun 09, 2015 by

If you are feeling a little sluggish these days, you could be experiencing a nutrient deficiency. These deficiencies occur when a person's nutrient intake consistently... more