
Want a Guide for Running?

Want a Guide for Running?

Aug 23, 2013 by

Do you want to be a better runner? Whether you're a serious runner or a beginner, the following are tips and training plans to get... more

5 Foods that Self-Heal

5 Foods that Self-Heal

Aug 21, 2013 by

Read below Dr. Fabrizio Mancini's 5 foods that self heal! He has outlined all the foods you need that will allow you to move into... more

Strengthen Your Shoulders With This Exercise!

Strengthen Your Shoulders With This Exercise!

Aug 19, 2013 by

Try this Exercise today! Click the picture below to see!  

Are You Sitting Too Much?

Are You Sitting Too Much?

Aug 16, 2013 by

Are you sitting long hours each day typing away on your computer at work or at home? Read the below image to see what sitting... more

14 Foods That Can Cleanse Your Liver!

14 Foods That Can Cleanse Your Liver!

Aug 15, 2013 by

Dr. Edward Group has outlined 14 foods that can cleanse your liver. When we overeat or eat processed foods, we are exposed to pollutants and... more

Congratulations to the Students at Parker University on Their Achievements

Congratulations to the Students at Parker University on Their Achievements

Aug 14, 2013 by

Thumper Massager would like to congratulate all the students who have been awarded with the Thumper Massager Scholarship! The success of young and upcoming chiropractors... more