
13 Comfort Foods That Burn Fat!

13 Comfort Foods That Burn Fat!

Oct 08, 2013 by

You can still enjoy your comfort foods and you should enjoy some that benefit in burning fat! Comfort foods are ones that tickle your stomach,... more

How Neighbors Can Make You Healthier

How Neighbors Can Make You Healthier

Oct 03, 2013 by

According to a study in University of Michigan, living in a good neighborhood lowers your stroke risk by almost 50 percent! The more connected you... more

Stuck in Traffic? Here is a Tip!

Stuck in Traffic? Here is a Tip!

Sep 26, 2013 by

If you are stuck in a traffic jam flip the radio to station with soothing music. Mellow music can lower your road rage and help... more

How Bad Do You Want to Succeed?

How Bad Do You Want to Succeed?

Sep 24, 2013 by

Watch this inspirational video on how to succeed in your endeavors! keep this in mind: "When you want to succeed as bad as you want... more

8 Amazing Foods for Juicing!

8 Amazing Foods for Juicing!

Sep 23, 2013 by

There are many people that would like to add more fruits and vegetables to their diets, but sometimes have a hard time adding it to... more

Move of the Day: Teaser

Move of the Day: Teaser

Sep 19, 2013 by

Try this great ab exercise as part of your workout! Once you do this workout your core will strongly thank you!        ... more