
8 Steps to Healthy Skin!

8 Steps to Healthy Skin!

Sep 13, 2013 by

Do you have wrinkles? Acne? Dryness? Follow these solutions that will keep your skin in great shape year after year!          ... more

Meatless Mondays!

Meatless Mondays!

Sep 09, 2013 by

Try this Meatless Monday dish and see how it can benefit your healthy eating! Read more to reveal the recipe!          ... more

Want to Do Grocery Shopping For Your Heart Health?

Want to Do Grocery Shopping For Your Heart Health?

Sep 05, 2013 by

You can improve your heart health by starting with good nutrition! Shop for colorful fruits and veggies, like carrots, peaches and berries! Stay clear of... more

Thumper Maxi Pro Product Information

Thumper Maxi Pro Product Information

Sep 04, 2013 by

Thumper Maxi Pro Product Information! Watch to get the latest information about the Thumper Maxi Pro!

Vitamin D’s Important Role!

Vitamin D’s Important Role!

Sep 03, 2013 by

Researchers have studied on Vitamin D and have found that lack of Vitamin D can cause imbalanced flora to grow. Read more on how Vitamin... more

Move of the Day! Sideways Floor Push!

Move of the Day! Sideways Floor Push!

Aug 30, 2013 by

Need a move that targets your triceps? Try this move and you’ll be feeling the burn! Read on to find out how to do this... more