
Start Some Good Habits

Start Some Good Habits

Oct 09, 2017 by

Your future self will thank you if you start some good habits today. These habits will make it easier to manage day-to-day stress, improve your... more

DIY Obstacle Course

DIY Obstacle Course

Oct 06, 2017 by

Make an obstacle course for yourself or your family: a DIY obstacle course is not very hard to make. Hopefully, this video will inspire you... more

Do you know the lyrics for Hotel California?

Do you know the lyrics for Hotel California?

Oct 05, 2017 by

How well do you know the lyrics for Hotel California? Test yourself and see how much of the lyrics you remember! Let me know what... more

Massage Therapy for Lower Back Pain

Massage Therapy for Lower Back Pain

Oct 04, 2017 by

29 per cent of adult Americans suffer from lower back pain (Belluz, 2017). Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons to seek... more

Healthy Lunch Ideas

Healthy Lunch Ideas

Oct 03, 2017 by

Many people pack a lunch for work or school but have you ever wanted some healthy lunch ideas? These new lunch ideas are great to... more

Fitness Life Hacks

Fitness Life Hacks

Oct 02, 2017 by

When you have an active lifestyle, things may sometimes get hectic. Try out these fitness life hacks that can help simplify your life and keep... more