
What Happens When You Quit Smoking?

What Happens When You Quit Smoking?

Mar 01, 2017 by

Ask any smoker and they will tell you that quitting their bad habit is one heck of a trial. And it's no wonder why! The... more

Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorders

Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorders

Feb 28, 2017 by

Stigmas relating to mental health issues are slowly breaking down, but nowhere else do we see such fear and misunderstanding than in cases of Schizophrenia... more

The Psychology of Self-Esteem

The Psychology of Self-Esteem

Jan 31, 2017 by

Many people are under the impression that achieving set goals in life will lead to improved self-esteem. While this may be true for some, it... more

The Science Behind E-Cigarettes

The Science Behind E-Cigarettes

Jan 25, 2017 by

E-Cigarettes have become increasingly popular over the past few years. With flavours like coffee, peppermint and even piña colada, it's easy to see why they... more

What is OCD

What is OCD

Jan 24, 2017 by

Many people associate Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with hyper cleanliness, an obsession with organization or the inability to just "let go". However, OCD is a serious... more

What Causes Cavities?

What Causes Cavities?

Jan 18, 2017 by

From a young age, we've all been told from our parents and dentists that eating sweets can lead to cavities. But what is it about... more