
The Mozart Effect: Fact or Myth?

The Mozart Effect: Fact or Myth?

Jan 17, 2017 by

The Mozart Effect is the belief that if a child listens to Mozart over an extended period of time, they will become smarter. After all,... more

10 Ways to Reduce Stress

10 Ways to Reduce Stress

Jan 10, 2017 by

Stress is an evolutionary feature that helps us go into overdrive when our minds and bodies encounter certain situations. In the stone age, this was... more

Why Do We Dream?

Why Do We Dream?

Jan 05, 2017 by

Records show that humans have been dreaming for thousands of years, dating as far back as ancient Mesopotamia. However, in all this time, scientists still haven't... more

The Benefits of Generosity

The Benefits of Generosity

Dec 13, 2016 by

"Practicing generosity is a mental health principle, and it could be the very key to a happy and healthy life" - Lisa Firestone. Studies show... more

The Benefits of Good Posture

The Benefits of Good Posture

Dec 07, 2016 by

Whether it was a parent at the dinner table, a teacher in the middle of class, or your grandmother as you walked around the house,... more

How Much Will Kill You?

How Much Will Kill You?

Dec 06, 2016 by

Life is all about moderation, but if you're a daredevil looking for a 'thrill', you should probably know when you've gone too far. It takes... more